Public Transit

Enhanced Mobility of Seniors & Individuals with Disabilities - Section 5310: 

The Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities program provides formula funding to increase the mobility of seniors and persons with disabilities. Funds are apportioned to large, urbanized areas with a population of over 200,000 and to states (for all areas under 200,000). It is a program that is planned, designed, and carried out to meet the special needs of seniors and individuals with disabilities when public transportation is insufficient, inappropriate, or unavailable. Section 5310 funding grants are distributed to the designated recipient, Fayetteville Area System of Transit (FAST), as well as entities designated as sub-recipients. These designated recipients and sub-recipients are responsible for administering the program.

Section 5310 - Federal Transit Administration

Urbanized Area Formula Grants - Section 5307:

The Urbanized Area Formula Program makes federal resources available to urbanized areas and to governors for transit capital and operating assistance in urbanized areas with a population of 50,000 or more and for transportation-related planning.  For large urbanized areas greater than 200,000, funds are apportioned and flow directly to a recipient selected locally to apply for and to receive federal funds. For the Fayetteville Area, the Fayetteville Area System of Transit (FAST) is the designated recipient for this federal funding. Eligible activities include planning, engineering, design, and evaluation of transit projects, capital investments in bus-related activities and fixed guideway systems, and other transit improvements. 

Section 5307 - Federal Transit Administration

Grants for Buses and Bus Facilities Formula Program - 5339:

Provides funding to states and transit agencies through a statutory formula to replace, rehabilitate and purchase buses and related equipment to construct bus-related facilities. The formula has two components, Bus and Bus Facilities Discretionary Program and the Low or No Emissions Bus Discretionary Program. Eligible recipients include designated recipients that operate fixed-route bus services or that allocate funding to fixed-route operators, and State and Local entities that operate fixed-route bus services. Eligible projects include capital projects to replace, rehabilitate and purchase bus-related facilities, including technological changes or innovations to modify low or no emission vehicles or facilities. 

Section 5339 - Federal Transit Administration

FY 2020 FTA Obligated Projects

Cumberland County Community Transportation Program

The Community Transportation Program provides safe, dependable, accessible, and affordable transportation to Cumberland County residents who do not have access to any means of transportation, including the elderly and disabled population. To learn more about the program click on the link below for access to the Cumberland County website.

Community Transportation Program

  • 3-C
    Continuing Comprehensive & Cooperative Planning Process
  • AADT
    Annual Average Daily Traffic
    American Association of State Highway & Transportation Officials
  • ADA
    Americans with Disabilities Act
  • AMPO
    Association of Metropolitan Organizations
  • CAC
    Citizen Advisory Committee
  • CIA
    Community Impact Assessment
  • CIP
    Capital Improvements Program
  • CMS
    Congestion Management System
  • CTP
    Comprehensive Transportation Plan/Community Transportation Program
  • DEIS
    Draft Environmental Impact Statement
  • DOT
    Department of Transportation
  • EA
    Environmental Assessments
    Elderly and Disabled Transportation Assistance Program
  • EJ
    Environmental Justice
  • EPA
    Environmental Protection Agency
  • FAA
    Federal Aviation Administration
  • FEIS
    Final Environmental Impact Statement
  • FHWA
    Federal Highway Administration
    Finding of No Significant Impacts
  • FPNP
    Force Protection Needs Plan
  • FRA
    Federal Railroad Administration
  • FTA
    Federal Transit Administration
  • HOV
    High Occupancy Vehicle
  • HSTS
    Human Service Transportation System
  • IHS
    Interstate Highway System
  • ITRE
    Institute for Transportation Research & Education
  • ITS
    Intelligent Transportation System
    Least Environmentally Damaging Practicable Alternative
  • LOS
    Level of Service
  • MBE
    Minority Business Enterprise
  • MLI
    Minority Low Income
  • MOA
    Memorandum of Agreement
  • MPO
    Metropolitan Planning Organization
  • MSA
    Metropolitan Statistical Area
  • MTIP
    Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program
    North Carolina Board of Transportation
    North Carolina Department of Environmental & Natural Resources
    North Carolina Department of Transportation
  • NEPA
    National Environmental Policy Act
  • NHI
    National Highway Institute
  • NHS
    National Highway System
  • O/D
    Origin & Destination
  • PTD
    Public Transportation Division
  • RFP
    Request for Proposal
  • STIP
    State Transportation Improvement Plan
  • SPOT
    Strategic Prioritization Office of Transportation
  • STP
    Surface Transportation Program
  • TAB
    Transportation Advisory Board
  • TAZ
    Traffic Analysis Zone
  • TCC
    Transportation Coordinating Committee
  • TCM
    Traffic Control Measure
  • TDM
    Transportation Demand Management
  • TIP
    Transportation Improvement Program
  • TMA
    Transportation Management Area
  • TPB
    Transportation Policy Board
  • TSM
    Transportation System Management
  • UZA
    Urbanized Area
  • UPWP
    Unified Planning Work Program
  • VMT
    Vehicle Miles Traveled
  • VOR
    Vehicle Occupancy Rates