SPOT is the Strategic Prioritization Process and methodology that NCDOT uses to develop the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). The process involves FAMPO, in coordination with its municipalities, to submit projects from the Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) into the ranking and scoring competition in SPOT. The process involves scoring all projects in transportation mode categories including Highway, Bike and Pedestrian, Rail, Public Transportation, and Aviation. The SPOT process is competitive and FAMPO competes with other MPOs/RPOs for funding. Once the SPOT program scores and programs projects receiving Statewide funding, scoring is returned to the MPOs/RPOs to allow an opportunity for the planning organizations to assign Local Input Points (LIPs), which at the Regional Impact level constitute 30% of the projects final score. After Regional Impact Local Input Points are assigned, SPOT programs Regional Impact projects into the draft STIP and the planning organizations are given another opportunity to assign Local Input Points at the Division Needs level. At this level, LIPs make up 50% of the final score of a project. FAMPO awards LIPs based on methodology which has been approved by the TAC and selects projects which are more likely to be funded across each mode to ensure LIPs are used in the most impactful way.