Metropolitan Planning Organizations are part of a federal process to conduct local transportation planning in urbanized areas. The federal government requires urbanized areas to establish a planning process that is Comprehensive, Continuing, and Cooperative (the three C's of transportation planning). The MPO process is required in urbanized areas over 50,000 in population in order to receive federal funding for transportation. The MPO process is a partnership between local and state government to make decisions about transportation planning in urbanized areas and to meet planning requirements established by federal authorizing legislation for transportation funding. For more information, view the organizational structure or the transportation planning process of the MPO.
MPOs conduct transportation planning in cooperation with the state and federal governments. Cooperatively, the MPO works with the North Carolina Department Of Transportation (NCDOT) and the Federal Highway and Federal Transit Administrations (FHWA and FTA) to develop transportation plans, travel models, thoroughfare plans, transit plans, bicycle and pedestrian plans. Also, the MPO works with the state on funding issues for transportation improvements, on project planning issues, and on issues such as environmental impacts and air quality. The MPO also works with local governments to coordinate land use and transportation planning.
MPOs are established in every urbanized area in the country with a population over 50,000. Urbanized areas are defined every ten years by the U.S. Census Bureau. All MPOs in the state of North Carolina are designated by the governor. A Memorandum of Understanding is created and signed by all participating local governments and the State.
All decisions of the MPO are made by the Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) with recommendations from the Technical Coordinating Committee (TCC) and the Citizen Advisory Committee (CAC). The current list of members for each organization can be viewed here, and the organizational chart can be viewed here. The membership and voting structures of these Committees are established through a Memorandum of Understanding between all of the participating governments. TAC – The policy-making body made up of elected officials from each of the member governments and the Board of Transportation. TCC – Staff level committee that provides recommendations to the TAC regarding transportation decisions. CAC - Committee comprised of citizens and stakeholders that provide recommendations to the TAC.
Call the FAMPO office at 910-678-7620. You will be asked for your address or parcel number.
If you are concerned that the Outer Loop Corridor will affect you or your property, please visit the second floor of the Historic Courthouse located at 130 Gillespie Street in downtown Fayetteville or call (910) 678-7632. We have public hearing maps located in our office or you can view maps on the Home page of the website to determine whether or not your property is in or near the corridor.
When considering a new home, your real estate agent is obligated to disclose to you any active road projects that the agent either "knows, or should know." To obtain this information, you can contact anyone on the FAMPO Staff to receive more information regarding the Highway Plan and the current Transportation Improvement Program. In addition, you can check Cumberland County GIS Data Viewer to view current road construction projects at or near your new home.
To change a street name, or create a new street name, you need to come to the Addressing/Street Naming section of the planning department. You will have to fill out a request for the new street name, and the desired street name will need to be approved. No two streets in the county can be redundant or too similar. All property owners along the street will have to approve of the change for it to take place, even if it is a private drive and only one owner is involved. Not all requests will be acceptable or approved. For assistance, please call (910) 323-6102.