Locally Administered Projects Program (LAPP)
The Locally Administered Projects Program (LAPP) requires that funds must be obligated to eligible projects through a competitive process in which project selection is guided by a developed methodology and scoring system that evaluate feasibility and consistency with MPO adopted plans. A “locally administered” project means that the applicants are responsible for federal/state/board reporting requirements, a local funding commitment (minimum 20%), fronting project costs, invoicing and receiving reimbursements, and coordination with the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT).
Other grant funding opportunities under LAPP are the Transportation Alternatives Program – Direct Attributable (TAP-DA), the Surface Transportation Block Grant Program – Direct Attributable (STBG-DA), and the Carbon Reduction Funds. TAP-DA Transportation Alternatives Program - Direct Attributable provides funds allocated by the 2015 FAST Act for non-highway projects. STBG-DA Surface Transportation Block Grant Program - Direct Attributable provides funds from the 2015 FAST Act that have the most flexible eligibilities and can support a wide array of transportation projects. Carbon Reduction Funds This fund is a new Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) program enacted in 2022 that provides funds for projects that reduce carbon emissions in the transportation sector.
TAP-DATransportation Alternatives Program - Direct Attributable provides funds allocated by the 2015 FAST Act for non-highway projects.
STBG-DASurface Transportation Block Grant Program - Direct Attributable provides funds from the 2015 FAST Act that have the most flexible eligibilities and can support a wide array of transportation projects.
Carbon Reduction FundsThis fund is a new Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) program enacted in 2022 that provides funds for projects that reduce carbon emissions in the transportation sector.